Complaint examples

This page includes examples of complaints. Some of these examples may be triggering and we advise caution to readers

This page includes examples of complaints. Some of these examples may be triggering and we advise caution to readers

The following complaints were made to the Mental Health Complaints Commissioner (MHCC) before the work of the MHCC was transferred to the Mental Health and Wellbeing Commission (MHWC) on 1 September 2023. As such, each of these complaint examples relates to the Mental Health Act 2014 (Vic).

The details in the complaint examples below have been edited to protect the privacy of people who have made a complaint. All names have been changed and identifying details removed. When a person makes a complaint to the MHWC (or formerly to the MHCC), their privacy is our priority. These examples are shared to provide insight into the complaints process, the outcomes they lead to, and the changes in the way services deliver their mental health care.

Complaint examples
